9:30 AM 5 RFT ( 7 min cutoff per round ) 40 dubs 8 burpees 4 heavy snatches

Warm up: 400 m run/ 2 min of jump jax then 3 x of 7 jump tucks (knees to chest) 7 kick ups 3 inchworms Metcon: Running conditioning 30 min…

CrossFit Together will have its regularly scheduled 5:30 am class: however, the whole gym will close at 4PM. Personalized Fitness and CrossFit Together is following the Governor’s guidance here. We…

“”Dork” Florian Modified With a partner split AMRAP 20 33 cal row 15 DL (225/155) 12 T2B Rest 5 AMRAP 5 Max Lateral Burpees 10:15AM Das booty-camp with Coach Nat….

Strength: 20 min Front Rack Lunges 5 x 12 building *20 rep makeup Metcon: “Road Kill” 21-15-9 Thrusters (mod/light) KBS (mod) *30 dubs after each set of KBS

Oly: 15 min 3 dl + 1 pwr cl + 1 jerk Metcon: “Kibble-N-Bits” AMRAP 12 30 dubs 25 KBS (light weight) 20 sit ups *starting with and then every…

9AM “Deck of Dungeon Cards” Diamonds= thrusters (75/45) Clubs = Box Jumps/Step UPs  Hearts = push ups Spades = Sit ups Aces = 11 reps Face Cards = Roll of…

Strength: 20 min Front Squat 5 x 5 building Metcon: “Daddy-long-legs” 3RFT 15 wall balls (20/14) 12 cleans(115/85) 9 front squats 6 s.t.o Lv1(14/10) (95/65) Lv2(14/8)(65/45)

Oly: 20 min to find heavy Clean & Jerk Metcon: “Sloppy Sleven” AMRAP 7 Asc. by 1’s 1 C&J @ 75% 1 lateral burpee

Accessory: T.G.U 2 x 2(each) light 2 x 2 moderate 2 x 1 AHAP Single arm waiter walk then farmer carry 4 x each arm AHAP Heavy Strength: 20 min…

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