9AM For time with a partner 400m run(20/14# med ball) 50 wall balls 50 pull ups 50 hang snatch(75/55) 50 partner med ball sit ups 400m run with med ball 10AM Drills-N-Skills Open Gym with a Coach

Skill:  Dubs / 2 min max dubs Metcon:  “Keep the Rhythm” AMRAP 15 20 cal row 20 dubs 20 KBS(53/35) 20 sit ups Lv1(15 dubs(35/26) Lv2(10 dumb attempts(26/18)

“Goat Thursday” Pick 2 skills/movements you are currently working on. Should be something you can already do to some degree.These are not end goal skills/movements. You should come to us with 2 things you can already do to some degree. Good examples: practicing stringing dubs together/ Stringing HSPU together/ Handstand Hold stability/ Stringing T2B/Rope Climbs Bad…

Strength:  Deadlift 5×5 building Metcon:    “Dont Let Go” 5RFT 10 2TB 10 pull ups 10 deadlifts(185/135) Lv1(k2pits/light band(155/115) Lv2(kipping knee ups/ring rows(135/95)

Strength/Skill:   15 minutes build to heavy clean and push jerk. Metcon:    EMOM12 2 deadlifts + 1 hang clean and jerk + 1 clean and jerk from floor start at %50-%60. increase every 2 rounds

Strength:    back squat 5×5 building with 3′ count at bottom Metcon:    “Jump on It” AMRAP 10 15 wall balls(20/14) 10 Box jumps(24/20) 5 burpees This is Photoshop’s version of Lorem Ipsum. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit. Duis…

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