DORK Wod There will be no classes. 33 back squats(225/155) 15 burpees 33 Deadlifts(225/155) 15 burpees 33 KBS (70/53) 15 burpees *Time cap of 14 minutes. Heats will be going off every 15 minutes. So scale accordingly. For those that want to make it extra junky there will be a few sets of bunker gear…

Skill: Handstand hold alignment Metcon:         “Nose to the Wall” 25-20-15-10-5 5-4-3-2-1 Hang Cleans(115/85) Wall Climbs Lv1(95/65) Lv2(75/45) walk half way up wall

Strength:   2 rounds of tabata (4 circuits of the following) Russian twist w/ slam ball (ahap) hollow hold supermans Mtn. climbers Metcon:   2K row for Time

Mobility: ankles, hips, shoulders Strength:  O.H squat 5×5 building Metcon:   ‘Nancy on ABike’ 5 RFT 15 cals on AB 15 O.H.S (95/65) Lv1(85/55) Lv2(65/35)

Strength:   Snatch push press from rack(behind head) 7-7-5-5-3-3 building Metcon:   EMOM10 2 snatch grip deadlift + 1 hang squat snatch + 1 squat snatch from floor start @ 50%-60% building every 2 rounds

Strength:   Back Squat 5×5 building Metcon:   “All About the Hips” 21-15-9 Goblet Squats(70/53) KBS Burpees Lv1(53/35) Lv2(35/26)

9AM 1 works 1 ‘rests’ 125 KBS (53/35) 100 wall balls (20/14) 75 hang cleans (155/105) 50 Box Jumps *”rest” is a 20 cal row or 15 cal AB. Athletes can only switch after they have completed the ‘rest’ 10AM 17.5 skill and strategy

17.5 10 RFT 9 Thrusters(95/65) 35 Dubs Scaled(65/45) 35 singles

Skill/Strength:  Deadbugs 10 reps (5 each side SLOWLY) plank with arm/leg raise 10 reps(5 each side SLOWLY) 10 reps of each movement 4 times Metcon:    “Its only 3000m” 1000m row Rest 5 minutes 1000m row Rest 4 minutes 1000m row *Maintain each 1000m with +/- 10 seconds

Skill:  15 minutes build to heavy single clean Metcon:   EMOM 12 Evens: 3 power cleans Odds: 20-30 dubs *Opening clean starts at 60%. Must add weight each round of cleans. May NOT exceed 90%. Focus on executing each clean with as good as form as possible! Suggested weights: 60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%

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