Skill/strength:    Sled push with weight (down and back twice) Practice tire flip while waiting for turn at sled Metcon:   ‘Cleaning the Boat 4 RFT 250m row 10 squat cleans(95/65) Lv1(85/55)  Lv2(75/45)

Strength:  Bench press 15-12-9-6-3 increasing Metcon:   EMOM12 4-6 ring dips 15 KBS (70/53) (10/8) cals AB *scale accordingly. Suggested that athletes leave at least 5 seconds between movements.

*Reminder there will be 9:30am classes all week Strength:   week 6 of 40 rep Metcon:   ‘The 45 Presidents’ 45 cal row 45 wall balls(20/14) 45 dubs 45 thrusters (45/35)

AMRAP 25 with a partner. A) 20 wall balls B) 20 KBS A) 20 sit ups B) 20 jumping junges A) 20 pulls ups B) 20 ring dips A) air squats at 5, 10, 15, 20 minute mark everyone stops and holds a 1 minute plank. Drills and Skills Guest coach will be going over…

Skill:    Dubs Metcon:    ‘13.1’ AMRAP 17 40 burpees 30 snatches(75/45) 30 burpees 30 snatches(135/75) 20 burpees 30 snatches(165/100) 10 burpees 30 snatches (210/120) SCALE ACCORDINGLY. Suggested that you start the first snatch weight at 50% and end the last at 80%.

Mobility: ankles and hips Strength/Skill:  O.H Squat. 10 minutes build to heavy set of 2 Metcon:  “Sorta Nancy” 3RFT 500 m row 15 O.H.S (95/65) Lv1(85/55) Lv2(75/45)

40 rep make up Mobility: ankles and hips Skill:  Pistols Metcon: ‘Not so Complex’ 5 RFT 9 deadlifts(135/95) 6 hang power cleans 3 jerks 30 Dubs Lv1(115/75) 15 Dubs Lv2(95/55) 60 singles

Mobility:     Shoulders and Back Strength: 1/2 Tabata(4 rounds of 20s work and 10s ‘rest’) 20s of push presses(no jerks) 10s of holding at top of press(‘head through the window’) *10 burpee penalty for every time bar goes bellow shoulders, to be done after the strength. Athletes and not their egos pick the weights. rest 2…

Gym will open @ 2pm. Keep checking facebook for any changes or updates. If your stuck at home for the day with the kids take the time to sign up for the Opens. Strength:  5th week of 40 rep. Metcon:   “Windows to the Walls” 4 RFT 15 wall balls (20/14) 15 Dubs 15 cal…

Wod For Cooper/ with a partner 7 RDs 12 bar facing burpees 13 cals on the rower then 3RDS 9 Bear Complex(115/85) 15 T2B

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