Strength: 20 minutes build to heavy set of 3 back squats Metcon:     “Dancin’ Girls” Moby ‘Sally’ Back squats @ (135/95) Rest 2 minutes “Roxanne” by The Police. burpees Rest 2 minutes “America” by Niel Young hollow hold to superman Lv1(115/75) Lv2(95/55)

9AM For Time with a Partner/split as needed 1000m row 10 C2B 4Rope Climbs 50 back squats(95/65) Run 500 Together 50 back squats 4 Rope Climbs 10 C2B Row 1000

17.2 If you are not signed up for the Opens then you must used KBs. Opens competitors have priority for the Dumbbells. AMRAP 12 2 rounds of…. 50-ft. weighted walking lunges(holding both bells)(50/35) 16 T2B 8 power cleans(holding both bells) Then 2 rounds of…. 50-ft. weighted walking lunges 16 bar muscle ups 8 power cleans…

Mobility: Focus on shoulders and back Metcon:   EMOM16 12/10 cal row 15 sit ups 10/8 cal AB 40s plank

Strength:  Single arm overhead KB squat 5 each side @ light 5 @ mod 5 @heavy 5 @heavy Metcon:      “Chippin’ Away” AMRAP 12 3o Dubs 20 KBS(53/35) 10 Ball slams AHAP 5 burpees Lv1(15 dubs(44/26) Lv2(60 singles (35/18)

Strength: 3 strict press+6 push press+ 9 jerks(no split) 3 sets building weight Metcon:     “Smokey Shoulders” 10.9.8….S.T.O 1.2.3…H.R.P.U Lv1(85/55) knees  Lv2(75/45) knees

Strength: 1 rep max front squat(20 minutes) Metcon:   “The top 60%” 21-15-9 Front squats(60%) Cal row (15-10-5 cals on AB)

“Danny” Partner, 1 works/1 rests AMRAP 24 400m run together 20 push presses(115/85) 30 pull ups

If you are not signed up for the Open then you are using Kettle bells for the snatches. 17.1 (20 minute cap) 10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (50/35) , (35/20 scaled) 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs(24/20, no step ups) (20/20 step ups allowed scaled) 20 DB snatch 15 BBJO 30 DB snatch 15 BBJO 40 DB…

Tomorrow is the the first WOD of the Opens. You still have time to sign up so do it! Strength:  T.G.U 6(3each) light weight 4(2 each) mod. weight 2(1each) heavy weight Metcon:   “Trickle Down Erg-anomics” AMRAP 15 30 Dubs 20 cals on rower 10 burpee box jump overs(24/20)

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