17.4 AMRAP 13 55 deadlifts(225/155) 55 wall balls (20/14) 55 Cal row 55 H.S.P.U

Skill:  Row technique Strength: 2 rounds of Tabata( 8 minutes) Hollow rocks and Superman Metcon:  “Seriously… Sprint Again” 500m row Rest 3 minutes 500m row Rest 2:30 500m row Rest 2 minutes 500m row Rest 1:30 500m row *maintain split times of +/- 5 seconds

Skill/strength: 15 minutes build to heavy single split jerk from rack Metcon:     EMOM 12 1 power clean + 2 hang cleans + 3 front squats + 4 S.T.O *increase weight every 4th round. Form over intensity!

Strength:   Bench Press 12-9-6-3 increasing weight then 6-9-12 decreasing weight Metcon:     “Ascend and Descend” 10.9.8…pull ups 1.2.3…S.T.O (95/65) 20 dubs after each set of S.T.O Lv1(85/55) 1/2 dubs Lv2(65/35) 40 singles

Strength:  Deadlift 7-7-5-5-3-3 building Skill: H.S.P.U progressions Metcon:    “Diane” 10min cap 21-15-9 Deadlifts(225/155) H.S.P.U Lv1(185/135) 2-3 abmatts Lv2(155/105) H.S Hold for time(21 seconds etc.)

2 RFT 1 works/1 rests 44 OHS (75/45) 44 Box jumps (24/20) 44 sit ups 44 hang power cleans 44 push ups

17.3 In 8 minutes complete 3rds of 6 C2B and 6 squat snatch(95/65) and then 3 rds of 7 C2B and 5 squat snatch (135/95) …if 6 rounds finished in under 8 minutes add 4 more minutes and do… 3 rds of 8 C2B and 4 squat snatches (185/115) 3 rds of 9 C2B and…

Mobility and Row technique Metcon:   “Seriously….Sprint!” 500 m row for time rest 3:30 500 m row rest 3:00 500 m row rest 2:30 500 m row *Goal is to maintain every 500 m within +/- 10 seconds. These are to be sprints! All out effort maintained for each 4×500 meters.

Skill:   15 minutes build to heavy set of 3 power snatch(touch-n-go) Metcon:    “Four by Three” AMRAP 4 30 dubs 15 power snatches(75/45) rest 3 minutes AMRAP 4 30 dubs 12 power snatches(95/65) rest 3 minutes AMRAP 4 30 dubs 9 power snatches(115/75) Lv1((65/35)(85/55)(105/65) 15 dubs Lv2(55/35)(75/45)(95/55) 60 singles

Strength:   Seated KB press 15-12 light weight 9-6 mod weight 3 heavy weight For 5 total sets. Metcon:   “Cindy” AMRAP 20 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 air squats

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