Turkish Get Up
3 sets of 2 each arm warm up
3 sets 1
Get creative. If you can hold it you can Get-up-it.
basket balls/ soccer balls/ cats/ potted plants / laundry baskets / medical text books / medium sized dogs / Lobster pots filled with water / small children / Lulu-lemon bags filled with sand.
Metcon Option 1:
“Stair Way to Hell-no”
ascending by 2s
2 burpees
2 sit ups
*after each set of sit ups run up and down a flight of stairs..if you have no stairs then high knees run in place for 30 reps.
Metcon Option 2:
This is not a common CrossFit inspired wod..but it is different and it is fun ! Especially if you have kids. Hook up your TV or some speakers. We encourage you to share with us your experience with this one.
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